2023 Competitive Grant Program - Call for Projects
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) distributes Regional Surface Transportation Program funding in both fair-share, and set aside, and competitive programs. Monterey County and the cities receive fair-share Regional Surface Transportation Program funds based on a formula of 50% population and 50% centerline miles. The total fair share allocation over the next three years is $3.6 million. Ten percent ($1.8 million) is set aside as an RSTP reserve to provide flexibility to meet needs as they arise over the three-year period of this funding cycle.
The Transportation Agency distributes the remaining portion of the Regional Surface Transportation Program funding on a competitive basis to transportation projects based on a variety of criteria, including safety, traffic volume and project readiness. The competitive grants process starts with a call for projects and the release of grant application materials, then the Technical Advisory Committee will establish a subcommittee to review and rank project proposals. Of the total competitive funds, $1,000,000 of funds are proposed to be set aside for a Quick-Build Project Pilot Program. The Quick-Build Project Pilot Program applications are also evaluated by the Technical Advisory Committee but scored through a separate application and scoring criteria.
TAMC invites local agencies to submit applications for the Quick-Build Project Pilot Program and the Competitive Grant Program.
Applications shall be submitted no later than 12:00 noon on Thursday, June 1, 2023, to the Project Manager, Janneke Strause, janneke@tamcmonterey.org. Applications received after the date and time specified above will not be considered.
2023 Competitive Grants Cycle
2023 RSTP Guidelines & Grant Application (MS Word)
Project proposals for the Competitive Program will be evaluated based on the following scoring rubric for a total of 100 points:
Screening Criteria:
- The proposed project will be implemented within 3 years.
- The project is consistent with local and regional plans.
- For intersection projects, an Intersection Control Evaluation has been or will be completed.
- A pre-construction baseline Before Study has been or will be completed.
Section A - Project Information & Regional Significance (25 points total)
- Traffic volumes in the corridor - 5 points
- The project will mitigate safety hazards - 5 points
- The project serves regional travel - 5 points
- The project benefits Disadvantaged Communities - 5 points
- The project benefits people with disabilities - 5 points
Section B - Complete Streets (25 points total)
- Stakeholder outreach was conducted - 5 points
- The project is expected to reduce bicycle level of traffic stress - 5 points
- The project incorporates complete streets treatments - 5 points
- The project improves bicycle, pedestrian or transit design features - 2.5 points
- This is a maintenance project with complete street enhancements - 2.5 points
- The project improves access and/or closes a gap for transportation disadvantaged communities - 5 points
Section C - Project Readiness & Cost Effectiveness (25 points total)
- Project is ready to bid within three years - 5 points
- Request for funding will fully-fund the project - 5 points
- Project has completed the environmental phase - 5 points
- Project has completed the design / right-of-way phase - 5 points
- The project has a positive benefit / cost ratio - 5 points
Section D - Prior Project Delivery Performance (25 points total)
- The jurisdiction is maximizing the use of fair-share RSTP - 10 points
- The jurisdiction has delivered previously awarded competitive projects on time - 10 points
- This funding request does not fund a cost-overrun - 5 points
Project proposals for the Quick-Build Project Pilot Program will be evaluated based on the following scoring rubric for a total of 100 points:
Screening Criteria:
- The proposed project will be implemented within 2 years.
- The project is consistent with one of the following design guides or local or regional plan:
- Monterey Bay Area Complete Streets Guidebook
- Safe Routes to Schools Plan
- Monterey County Active Transportation Plan
- NACTO's Urban Bikeway Design Guide
- NACTO's Urban Street Design Guide
- Other
- A pre-construction baseline Before Study has been or will be completed.
Quick-Build Project Information & Narrative (50 points total)
- The project will quickly address an urgent safety need or improve comfort for non-motorized users, including students, older adults, and disadvantaged communities - 0-10 points
- Engaged the community in the identification and initial planning of the project - 0-5 points
- Plans include continuous community engagement for the duration of the project - 0-5 points
- The project scope is flexible and adjustable based on community feedback - 0-5 points
- The quick-build project’s progress and performance will be measured - 0-10 points
- The quick-build project provides a foundation for a potential permanent infrastructure project - 0-10 points
- There is a maintenance strategy in place for the quick-build project - 0-5 points