Monterey County Rail Extension Phase 1: Kick Start Project

The Kick Start project is Phase 1 of the overall Monterey County Rail Extension project. The Kick Start Project is focused on improving the existing Salinas train station to accommodate new passenger rail service connecting Salinas to the San Francisco Bay Area, and making track improvements at Gilroy to allow through trains to stop at the Gilroy train station.
The Salinas train station, also known as the Intermodal Transportation Center, is in downtown Salinas on State Route 183 (Market Street), a walkable distance (0.2 miles) to the Monterey Salinas Transit (MST) bus center and the main employment areas of downtown Salinas. Recently constructed improvements to the Salinas station as part of the Kick Start Project include a new direct signalized access point to downtown via the extension of Lincoln Avenue across Market Street, a five-bay bus transfer area, bike lanes and bike lockers, safe pedestrian crossings and sidewalks, and commuter parking. This station will integrate new passenger rail service to the San Francisco Bay Area with existing service by Amtrak intercity trains and buses, MST local buses, and Greyhound intercity buses.
The Kick Start project also includes a train layover facility in Salinas and improvements to the tracks between Salinas and Gilroy.
Estimated Capital Cost: $81 million
Salinas_ITC.pdf Gilroy Track Connections Fact SheetConstruction Packages
This project is separated into three construction packages:
1: Salinas Station: Lincoln Avenue Extension, circulation, and parking improvements
Current Status: Construction of new signalized access to the train station, new parking & landscaping is now complete!
Status Update - June 28, 2021
Remaining work onsite is landscaping and bioretention area maintenance through December 2021.
Monterey County Rail Extension Newsletter - Vol. 3 - March 2021
Monterey County Rail Extension Newsletter - Vol. 2 - March 2020
Monterey County Rail Extension Newsletter - Vol. 1 - March 2019
Construction Celebration/ Ribbon-Cutting
Progress Photos

2: Salinas Layover Facility
- Current Status: Final Design, conducting railroad negotiations; Right-of-Way Acquisition
- Coming Soon: Construction
3: Gilroy Station & Track Improvements
- Current Status: Final Design, conducting railroad negotiations
- Coming Soon: Construction
Visual Simulations

Christina Watson is the Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s rail program planner. If you have any questions, you can reach her at (831) 775-4406, or via email at: christina (at)