Rail Policy Committee

The Rail Policy Committee advises the Transportation Agency for Monterey County Board on matters related to the establishment of passenger rail service in Monterey County.
The Rail Policy Committee is composed of TAMC Board Members or their alternates from the following jurisdictions on the rail lines: Cities of Salinas, Marina, Sand City, Seaside, and Monterey, Supervisorial District 1, Supervisorial District 2, Supervisorial District 4, Supervisorial District 5, and two representatives from South Monterey County: either (a) the 3rd District County Supervisor and a voting TAMC Board member from one of the South Monterey County Cities, or (b) two voting TAMC Board members from South Monterey County Cities, and one at-large position appointed by the TAMC Chair. The TAMC Chair may appoint annually ex-officio members as needed.
At present, two rail corridors are under study; service on the Coast Line connecting Salinas to San Jose and to San Luis Obispo, and service on the Monterey Peninsula. TAMC owns the rail right-of-way for the Monterey Branch Line, which extends from Castroville to Seaside. TAMC is a member of the Coast Rail Coordinating Council and the Committee hears regular updates on progress on the Coast Rail project, a planned intercity train on the Coast Route between the San Francisco Bay Area and the Los Angeles Basin.
Christina Watson is the TAMC Rail Policy Committee contact person. If you have any questions, you can reach her at (831) 775-4406, or via email at: christina@tamcmonterey.org
Rail Policy Committee meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month, except there are no meetings in July or December, and the January and September meetings are on the second Monday, due to conflicts with holidays.
Meeting times and dates are subject to change.
Join meeting online at:
By teleconference at: +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 654 778 900 Password: 506977