Active Transportation Support Program
The Active Transportation Support Program helps private businesses, local jurisdictions, nonprofit organizations, school disctricts and other public agencies in Monterey County acquire active transportation resources and equipment to service their employees, clients, students and other community members.
The program provides:
- Bicycle racks and lockers.
- Services to help applicants manage their own roll repair or bike safety program, and training resources to run these programs.
- Bike, skateboard and scooter support kits with tools and safety equipment.
- Fixed equipment like skateboard racks and repair stations.
The Active Transportatation Support Program enthusiastically supports those that are involved in our Safe Routes to School Program and Go831 Program. Read more in our guidelines below; use the fillable PDF application below to potentially become a recipient!
Final-ATSP-Guidelines.pdfFinal-ATSP-Application.pdfAs of July 2020, the Active Transportation Support Program operates as an on-going, rolling grant program. Applications are accepted year-round and will continue to be, until the budget has expended. Under the ongoing program, the budget will reset at the beginning of each fiscal year (July 1st through June 30th), dependent upon the adopted Agency budget.
Specific goals of the Active Transportation Support Program include:
- Increasing the amount of secure bicycle parking in Monterey County giving high priority to locations without existing bicycle parking.
- Ensuring equitable distribution of bicycle parking facilities across Monterey County.
- Provide bicycle parking in convenient locations to encourage bicycling.
- Supporting artistic design of facilities that increase visibility of bicycle parking and maintain the character of a special area or district.
- Increase the amount of active transportation amenities in Monterey County.
- Ensure access to active transportation modes and equipment in schools, the workplace, and in community centers.
- Promote program resources through our Safe Routes to School Program and Go831 Program.
- Educate Monterey County residents and commuters on the essentials of safe use and proper maintenance of active transportation modalities such as bicycles, scooters, skateboarding, and walking.
How to Install a Bike Rack
Examples of Available Equipment and Tools

Ariadne Sambrano is the Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s current Active Transportation Support Program contact person. If you have any questions, call (831) 775-4402, or email: