Pacific Grove Hwy 68 Corridor Study
The Transportation Agency in partnership with the City of Pacific Grove and Caltrans conducted a study of the State Route 68 Corridor in Pacific Grove to identify improvements that will provide safer access for all modes of travel. The study was funded with a Caltrans Partnership Planning for Sustainable Transportation grant of $120,000, with local matches of $15,000 each from TAMC and the City of Pacific Grove, for a total study cost of $150,000.

Study Goals and Summary
The goal of the study is to create a more “complete” corridor that improves safety and serves the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers and people of all ages and abilities. The study area includes State Route 68 between the Pacific Grove city limits and Asilomar Boulevard, and is divided into two distinct segments: 1) Forest Avenue between the City limits and Sunset Drive, 2) Sunset Drive from Forest Avenue to Asilomar Boulevard. Each segment has different land uses, features and user needs.
The initial outreach phase of the study included presentations to the Transportation Agency Board, TAMC Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee, and Pacific Grove City Council, Traffic Safety Commission, and Planning Commission. A walking audit with project stakeholders was conducted in September 2015 and community workshops were held in November to take inventory of existing conditions along the corridor. The input and data collected culminated in an existing conditions report and needs assessment that identified a variety of needs including:
- Lack of continuous sidewalks and bikeways
- Difficulty crossing Forest Ave and navigating two five-way intersections on Sunset Dr.
- Careless or aggressive driver behavior
- Lack of streetscaping and landscaping amenities, including wayfinding signage and lighting, particularly on Sunset Dr.
A series of conceptual design alternatives for the corridor were developed based on the needs assessment and with input from the community. A second series of community meetings were held to discuss the draft conceptual designs. With input from the three partner agencies, the conceptual designs were revised to address issues raised by the public.
The study report includes the existing conditions and needs assessment, along with chapters on recommendations and implementation strategies. The recommendations chapter includes the revised conceptual designs for addressing needs and concerns at seven key locations; an inventory of sidewalk gaps along the corridor; and a set of other, miscellaneous recommendations for improving conditions. These include:
- Continuous sidewalks, curb extensions, and enhanced pedestrian crossings
- Protected bike lanes and cycletracks
- Streetscape improvements
The chapter on implementation includes cost estimates for recommended improvements; a list and discussion of the most promising ways to fund the improvements; and a list of recommended next steps to advance implementation of the study.
Final Study
The draft study report was presented to the TAMC Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee on September 7, 2016, and to Pacific Grove’s Traffic Safety Commission on September 13, 2016. The final Study was adopted by the Transportation Agency Board of Directors and the Pacific Grove City Council on October 5, 2016.
Download a copy of the Pacific Grove Highway 68 Corridor Study:
PG Hwy-68 Study Final Report