Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is a policy committee that advises the Transportation Agency for Monterey County on critical policy and agency administrative issues, including developing the draft annual legislation to the TAMC Board and overseeing federal earmark funding requests.
Membership is six TAMC Board Members: TAMC Chair, Vice Chair and 2nd Vice Chair, the Immediate Past TAMC Chair, a City representative and a County representative. The TAMC Chair and Vice Chair serve as the Chair and Vice Chair (respectively) of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee meets on the first Wednesday of every month, at 9:00 a.m. at the TAMC Conference Room, 55-B Plaza Circle, Salinas.
Executive Committee meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month, except there are no meetings in July or December.
Meeting times and dates are subject to change.
Join the meeting online at:
Or via teleconference at: +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 775 161 178 Password: 536047=