Regional Roundabout Study

The purpose of conducting an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) is to provide a holistic approach to the consideration and evaluation of intersection control alternatives. ICE is a decision-making process and framework to evaluate the control of intersections using a performance-based approach to engineering and investment decisions.
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC), through this study, is seeking to develop a Regional Intersection Control Evaluation of high priority intersections throughout Monterey County to evaluate the benefit of roundabouts or other alternative control devices to traditional signalized intersections. Overall, the purpose of the Regional Roundabout Study is to:
- Assess the benefit / cost of conceptual roundabouts and other intersection control measures to traditional signalized intersections at high priority intersections.
- Provide concept level intersection operations, intersection layouts, and initial capital costs.
- Identify cost effective improvements that may be eligible for grant funding.
- Provide useful tools for jurisdictions to make investment decisions at the study intersections.
- Prompt the ICE decision making process and framework to evaluate intersection control alternatives using a performance-based approach to engineering and investment decisions.