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May contain: road, truck, vehicle, transportation, car, automobile, tarmac, and asphalt

MONTEREY COUNTY – Here are the major scheduled road and lane closures for Monterey County from Sunday, March 23 through Saturday, March 29– newest information is in bold text. Please keep in mind that construction work is weather-dependent.                                                         

Highway 1: Turnout South of Vicente Creek – Turnout South of Lime Creek:  Long – Term 

There will be full closure of northbound and southbound Highway 1 between the turnout south of Vicente Creek and the turnout south of Lime Creek due to emergency repair work.

Highway 1: Rocky Creek Bridge – Rocky Creek Viaduct:  Long- Term

One-way traffic controls will be in place along northbound and southbound Highway 1 between Rocky Creek Bridge and the Rocky Creek Viaduct for bridge work.

Highway 1: Grimes Canyon – Torre Canyon Bridge:  March 24 - March 25

One-way traffic controls will be in place along northbound and southbound Highway 1 between Grimes Canyon and Torre Canyon Bridge for tree work from 8:30 am to 3 pm.

Highway 1: Pfeiffer Burns State Park – Partington Ridge Road:  March 26

One-way traffic controls will be in place along northbound and southbound Highway 1 between Pfeiffer Burns State Park and Partington Ridge Road for tree work from 8:30 am to 3 pm.

 Highway 1: Spindrift Road (South) – San Remo Road/Sanoma Lane:  March 26

One-way traffic controls will be in place along northbound and southbound Highway 1 between Spindrift Road (south) and San Remo Road/Sanoma Lane for utility work from 10 am to 3 pm.

Highway 1: Torre Canyon Bridge – Sycamore Draw Bridge:  March 28

One-way traffic controls will be in place along northbound and southbound Highway 1 between Torre Canyon Bridge and Sycamore Draw Bridge for tree work from 8:30 am to 3 pm.

State Route 68: Ragsdale Drive – State Route 218 (Canyon Del Rey Blvd.): March 24 – March 26

There will be a lane closure along westbound State Route 68 between Ragsdale Drive and State Route 218 (Canyon Del Rey Boulevard) for utility work from 9 am to 3 pm.

State Route 68: El Toro Creek Bridge – Torero Drive: March 28

The right shoulder along eastbound State Route 68 between El Toro Creek Bridge and Torero Drive will be closed for utility work from 9 am to 3 pm.

State Route 68: Scenic Drive: March 25 - March 27

One-way traffic controls will be in place along eastbound and westbound State Route 68 at Scenic Drive for tree removal work from 9 am to 2 pm.

State Route 68: Torero Drive & Portola Drive: On-Going  

There is a temporary partial closure of Torero Drive at Bravo Court for phase 1 of the “Toro Park Cut Through Traffic Pilot Project.” The closure will block southbound traffic on Torero Drive from entering Highway 68. Signs and electronic messaging are posted in Toro Park, along Portola Drive, and Highway 68 direct motorists.

Phase 2 of the project is the temporary closure of Portola Drive near the intersection of Creekside Court. This closure prohibits westbound traffic from entering the neighborhood from River Road and will be similar in nature to the traffic control measures installed for the Phase 1 improvements near Torero Drive.

Signs and electronic messaging are posted to alert motorists. 

The Toro Park Cut Through Traffic Pilot Project is designed to re-route traffic that diverts from Reservation Road and Highway 68 into Serra Village and Toro Park during commute hours to avoid traffic congestion on Highway 68. The project is also designed to address safety concerns and congestion in the residential Toro Park communities inundated with aggressive drivers who take Portola Drive as an alternate route and speed through a school zone to re-enter Highway 68 at Torero Drive.

Highway 101: Boronda Road: March 25   

There will be full closure of the off ramp along northbound Highway 101 at Boronda Road for tree removal work from 9 am to 2 pm.

Highway 101: Arroyo Seca Road – Boronda Road: March 25   

There will be a moving lane closure along northbound Highway 101 between Arroyo Seca Road and Boronda Road for pavement marker replacement work from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Highway 101: Boronda Road – Arroyo Seca Road: March 26   

There will be a moving lane closure along southbound Highway 101 between Boronda Road and Arroyo Seca Road for pavement marker replacement work from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Highway 101: East Garrison – San Ardo: March 26   

There will be a moving lane closure along northbound Highway 101 between East Garrison and San Ardo for spraying operations work from 9 am to 3 pm.

Highway 101: San Ardo – Camp Roberts: March 27   

There will be a moving lane closure along southbound Highway 101 between San Ardo and Camp Roberts for spraying operations work from 9 am to 3 pm.

Highway 101: Teague Avenue – Jolon Road (South): March 24 – March 28   

There will be one lane closure along southbound Highway 101 between Teague Avenue and Jolon Road (south) for pavement work from 8:30 am to 3 pm.

State Route 218: Carlton Drive – Via Verde: March 17 – March 21

There will be intermittent closures of eastbound and westbound State Route 218 between Carlton Drive and Via Verde for miscellaneous work from 9 am to 4 pm.

Marina: Imjin Parkway

Phase 1 construction work continues during the day on Imjin Parkway for approximately 13 months. Please be aware that there is still only one lane for travelling in each direction between Imjin Road and Reservation Road and the speed limit is 25 mph.

Note: Traffic has shifted onto the new pavement on the north side of Imjin Parkway.


§  Traffic has shifted onto the new pavement on the north side of Imjin Parkway.

§  Traffic control is in place for your safety!

§  The enforceable speed limit through the construction zone is 25 MPH.

Marina Heights Drive and Imjin Road are closed at Imjin Parkway

Abrams Drive: The access to the north side of Abrams Drive sides street will be closed for construction effective Wednesday March 26 - June. The south side of Abrams Drive will still be controlled by a temporary signal.

 Shell Gas Station: Access to the Shell station shall remain, as is, from Imjin Parkway or from Abrams.


Detour signs will be in place to guide traffic onto alternate routes. A signed alternate route for Blanco Road “westbound” (toward Monterey) traffic approaching Reservation Road is posted. This alternate route will begin at the signal with Research Drive through the UC-MBEST property (between Blanco Road and Imjin Parkway) using Research Drive and University.

Truck Detour

  • A truck detour is implemented for trucks over 45’. No trucks over 45’ on Imjin Parkway between Reservation Road and Abrams Drive. Signage will be up alerting trucks over 45’ about the detour along Inter-Garrison Road, Abrams Drive and Reservation Road.

Emergency vehicles will always have access. Visit the project website at for the most current information or to view the live camera feeds for traffic conditions.

Carmel Valley Road: Garland Ranch Regional Park – Cachagua Road: March 10 – March 31

One-way moving traffic controls will be in place along eastbound and westbound Carmel Valley Road for tree trimming work from 7 am to 3 pm.

Monterey County Road Closures:

There are short-term and long-term road closures in Monterey County due to poor road conditions and debris on the roadways. For information about road conditions, contact Monterey County RMA-Public Works & Facilities at 831-755-4925 or

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The Cone Zone Report is published weekly by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County. It can be found on the agency’s website at:

Caltrans and CHP remind motorists to drive safely and to share the road. To assist you with your travel, you can view Caltrans network of roadside traffic cameras at:  or the statewide highway network for current conditions at: or the automated California Highway Information Network (CHIN) @ 800-GAS-ROAD. In addition, the CHP has real time traffic incident information at:

Highway 1 remains closed 40 miles south of Carmel due to the Regent’s Slide.

Road information and updates can also be found on Caltrans District 5 Social Media platforms: X/Twitter at: CaltransD5, Facebook at: Caltrans Central Coast (District 5) and Instagram at: Caltrans_D5.