Imjin Parkway Widening & Roundabout Project Website
The City of Marina and the Transportation Agency for Monterey County have launched the Imjin Parkway Widening & Roundabout Project website. The website is the "go-to" place to get information about the project, get the latest updates, sign up for email notifications, review the "frequently asked questions" and see current traffic conditions during construction. Here's the link: Imjin Parkway Widening & Roundabout Project Website.
What is the Imjin Parkway Widening & Roundabout Project
The Marina-Salinas Multimodal Corridor: Imjin Road Widening & Roundabout project is a regional Measure X project on Imjin Parkway from Imjin Road to Reservation Road. It serves as one of the major commute corridors between the Monterey Peninsula and Salinas, ranging at various points in the project limits from 24,000 vehicles to 39,000 vehicles traversing the roadway each weekday.
This is a road safety and widening construction project along a segment of an important connector route between the Monterey Peninsula and the greater Salinas Valley. The segment is located on the former Fort Ord military base (between the cities of Marina and Seaside on the Monterey Peninsula) between State Highway 1 and Reservation Road.
Construction will complete widening of Imjin Parkway by adding a lane in each direction between Imjin Road (near California Avenue) and Reservation Road; replacing four (4) signalized intersections with roundabouts near existing neighborhood areas; creating pedestrian crossings at intersections for safer access to and from the surrounding neighborhoods and educational areas; adding bike lanes along each side of the roadway for the length of the roadway extension; and installing lighting and landscaping.
Construction is anticipated to begin in December. This will be the second regional Measure X road construction project in Monterey County. The Imjin Parkway Road Widening & Roundabout project was included in the Transportation Safety & Investment Plan approved by Monterey County voters, as Measure X in November, 2016.