Corridor Advisor On-Call Consultant - Call for Statement of Qualifications
You are invited to submit your Statement of Qualificatians for on-call services as a Corridor Advisor for various transportation projects throughout Monterey County.
DATE: Statement of Qualifications will be accepted until 12:00 noon PDT on Wednesday, December 1, 2021.
The REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS and the detailed information regarding the submittal requirements are available in electronic format at this link. You may email the project manager (Doug Bilse, TE) at for further information. Email inquiries, including the submittal of the Statement of Qualifications, should include “Consultant Corridor Advisor” (in bold) in the subject header.
This on-call agreement will support the Transportation Agency staff efficiently construct projects in cooperation with Caltrans staff. These include Measure X funded projects that involve improvements along corridors including, but not limited to, State Route 156, State Route 68 and US 101 South of Salinas. The Corridor Advisor will advise the Transportation Agency on matters involving project delivery, project design, innovations, project funding, and the respective roles and responsibilities the partner agencies should assume to expedite project delivery.
The scopes of work for this contract will typically involve working with Caltrans staff according to their established guidelines and policies. The Corridor Advisor will use independent judgment to advise TAMC on matters including, but not limited to, strategies for corridor project delivery, project design and innovations, project funding, and the respective roles and responsibilities the partner agencies should assume to expedite project delivery. The Corridor Advisor must be knowledgeable about all facets of the Caltrans state highway project delivery process for projects that improve or maintain the State Highway System. Specific duties required of the Corridor Advisor are outlined in detail in the Request for Qualifications. The template for the future contract is available for review and refers to the Implementation Agreement for Local Agencies and Local Agency DBE Annual Submittal Form that reflect TAMC's Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Program .
Submit all inquiries directly to the project manager (Doug Bilse, TE) at: Inquiries must be received by Wednesday, Novenber 17, 2021, at 12 noon. All responses to inquiries and addenda will be will be posted on the Agency’s website ( It is each consultant team's responsibility to check the website for these documents.