Draft Monterey Bay Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program

The Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) invites the public to comment on the Draft Monterey Bay Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP): FFY 2024-25 to 2027-28.
The Draft Monterey Bay MTIP: FFY 2024-25 to 2027-28 is the region’s short range transportation programming document that contains transportation improvement projects including public transit, highway, bridge, local road, bicycle and pedestrian projects proposed for funding based on anticipated available federal, state and local funding over the next four years (FFY 2024-25 to 2027-28).
The document can be viewed online at: https://ambag.org/program/metropolitan-transportation-improvement-program-mtip
The public review and comment period starts August 1, 2024 and ends August 30, 2024. For further details please visit https://www.ambag.org/.