For Bikes & Pedestrians

Roundabouts are safer for pedestrians and bicyclists than traditional stop-controlled or signalized intersections because the travel speeds are lower and crossing distance is shorter. Splitter islands at the approach to the roundabout provide a refuge for pedestrians and enable crossing in one direction of traffic at a time.
- Walk around the outside of the roundabout and cross at the crosswalks.
- Vehicles should yield to pedestrians upon entry and exiting the roundabout, however, pedestrians should ALWAYS look before crossing.
- Do NOT cross through the middle of the roundabout or dwell in the circular median.
- Bicyclists can travel through the intersection
- as a vehicle by merging with vehicular traffic upon entering the roundabout and continuing around the intersection in the center of the lane to avoid being cut-off by other vehicles. Bicyclists must yield to pedestrians at crosswalks when exiting the roundabout.
- Bicyclists also have the option of travelling through the roundabout as a pedestrian in which case they dismount and walk the bicycle on the sidewalk.