Monterey County Rail Extension Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

TAMC Makes Progress On Project To Increase Passenger Rail Service—San Francisco Bay Area to Salinas
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Friday, January 15, 2021 to celebrate the improvements at the Intermodal Transportation Center in Salinas. TAMC Executive Director Debbie Hale was joined by several elected officials to present to the community the completion of Package 1 of the Monterey County Rail Extension Package 1.
Master of Ceremonies
Debbie Hale, Executive Director, TAMC
Pre-Recorded Event Speakers
Anna Caballero, Senator, State of California
Sen Caballero Monterey County Rail Video.mp4Live Event Speakers
• Luis Alejo, Supervisor, County of Monterey (TAMC Chair)
• Kimbley Craig, Mayor, City of Salinas
• Mike LeBarre, Mayor, King City (TAMC Rail Policy Committee Chair)
• Dave Potter, Mayor, Carmel-by-the-Sea (TAMC Rail Policy Committee Vice-Chair and Coast Rail Coordinating Council Chair)
After the ceremony, Supervisor Alejo, Mayor Craig, Mayor LeBarre and Mayor Potter provided additonal comments during their interviews about the signficance of this project for the region and for their communities:
Supervisor Alejo - part 1 English.movSupervisor Alejo Interview - part 2 English.movSupervisor Alejo Interview - Spanish.movMayor Craig-part 1.MOVMayor Craig - part 2.MOVMayor LeBarre.MOVMayor Potter-part 1.movMayor Potter - part 2.movAs part of the Monterey County Rail Extension Kick Start Project, TAMC has constructed improvements at the Salinas train station. Also known as the Intermodal Transportation Center, the site is in downtown Salinas on State Route 183 (Market Street), a walkable distance to the Monterey Salinas Transit (MST) bus center and the main employment areas of downtown Salinas. To date, the improvements include a new direct access point to downtown Salinas with the extension of Lincoln Avenue across Market Street, a five-bay bus transfer area, bike lanes and bike lockers, safe pedestrian crossings and sidewalks, and commuter parking.
Once complete, the entire project will increase passenger rail service from the San Francisco Bay Area to Salinas, helping Monterey Couty to move forward with a vision of regional connectedness by rail. Learn about the future construction packages and the significant benefits to Monterey County by visiting