RELEASE DATE: Friday, February 25, 2022
MONTEREY COUNTY – The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) announced that the Salinas Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC) received two transportation excellence awards recently. TAMC and their partners, the City of Salinas, HDR Engineering, BKF Engineers, MNS Engineers, and Monterey Peninsula Engineering (MPE) won a “2022 ACEC California Engineering Excellence Award” for the project in a virtual red-carpet awards ceremony held on February 3, 2022. The Engineering Excellence Awards competition recognizes engineering and land surveying firms for projects that demonstrate an exceptional degree of innovation, complexity, achievement, and value.
The project also received a “Project of the Year Award” from the American Public Works Association, Monterey Bay Chapter at their annual awards ceremony at Bayonet Black Horse Golf Courses in Seaside on Wednesday, February 24, 2022.
The $8.6 million Salinas Intermodal Transportation Center is the first project successfully completed in the Monterey County Rail Extension “Kick Start Project,” which will ultimately create a passenger rail extension from Gilroy to Salinas.
The Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC) is in downtown Salinas on Market Street, a walkable distance to the Monterey Salinas Transit bus center and the main employment areas of downtown Salinas. The award-winning project included improvements at the Salinas ITC (train station), a new direct signalized access point to downtown via the extension of Lincoln Avenue across Market Street, a five-bay bus transfer area, bike lanes and bike lockers, safe pedestrian crossings and sidewalks, and commuter parking.
The Monterey County Rail Extension and Salinas Intermodal Transportation Center project serve as a model for a cost-effective multimodal transportation hub which is revitalizing the downtown Salinas train station and providing commuter access and expanded transportation options for the community. The Monterey County Rail Extension includes new passenger rail service to the San Francisco Bay Area with at least two commute-oriented round trips every weekday at the start of service and is served by Amtrak Coast Starlight and Thruway buses, Monterey Salinas Transit (MST) local buses, and Greyhound intercity buses.
The Salinas Intermodal Transportation Center also serves as an excellent example of advancing a positive public image of engineering, especially for women, as the large transformational project was led and managed by a team of talented and successful women.
For more information about the Monterey County Rail Extension and Salinas Intermodal Transportation Center projects, contact Christina Watson, TAMC Director of Planning, at christina@tamcmonterey.org or 831-775-4406.
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) is responsible for investing in regional transportation projects for Monterey County residents, businesses and visitors. The mission of TAMC is to develop and maintain a multimodal transportation system that enhances mobility, safety, access, environment quality and economic activities in Monterey County. For more information, visit www.tamcmonterey.org or call 831.775.0903.
Chartered in 1937, the American Public Works Association (APWA) is the largest and oldest international educational and professional organization of public agencies, private sector companies, and individuals dedicated to providing high quality public works goods and services. APWA members are involved in the construction, operation, and maintenance of public infrastructure for towns, cities, and counties.
APWA’s Monterey Bay Chapter has been serving Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties since 1962. For more information, contact Brian McMinn, Chapter President at bmcminn@cityofmarina.org or 831.884.1212. Visit the chapter website at http://monterey.apwa.net/#
With roots dating back more than 100 years, the American Council of Engineering Companies ACEC is a federation of 52 state and regional councils representing more than 600,000 engineers, architects, land surveyors and other specialists. Our primary mission is to strengthen the business environment for our member firms through government advocacy, political action, and business education. ACEC California is the nation's largest Member Organization in the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC). ACEC Monterey Bay is one of 22 California local chapters covering the state, a 61-member Board of Directors (elected by the chapters), 24 Committees, 1 Academy, 5 Affiliated Organizations and a state office staff of 11.
