Salinas Valley Safe Routes to School Plan - Request for Proposals
The Salinas Valley Safe Routes to Schools Plan is a partnership between the Transportation Agency for Monterey County, the Cities of Gonzales, Soledad, Greenfield, and King City, the Monterey County Health Department, Ecology Action, and five school districts. The plan will provide a systematic assessment of the greatest barriers to increased school-based active transportation and a list of infrastructure and program recommendations for 22 K-12 schools in the Salinas Valley.
Ecology Action is requesting proposals from qualified and interested consultants or consultant teams that possess expertise in safe routes to school and complete streets planning and projects to provide technical support throughout the planning process.
Inquiries relating to this Request for Proposals (RFP) shall be submitted no later than March 16, 2022, to the Project Manager, Amelia Conlen, via email at
Proposals for this RFP shall be submitted no later than 5:00 pm on March 25, 2022, to the Project Manager, Amelia Conlen, via email at Proposals received after the date and time specified above will not be considered.
Salinas Valley Safe Routes to School Plan_RFP.pdf