Students and Parents Show Up in Force to Participate in Del Rey Woods Elementary School "Walking School Bus"

A large cadre of students and parents, along with Seaside Mayor Ian Oglesby and Monterey Peninsula Unified School District, Superintendent PK Diffenbaugh, escorted by patrol officers from the Seaside Police Department took part in the "Walking School Bus" event to Del Rey Woods Elementary School.
The event is one of five occurring this week to launch the Transportation Agency for Monterey County's "Safe Routes to School Program " on the Monterey Peninsula. The Transportation Agency, in partnership with the Monterey County Health Department, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (MPUSD), the Monterey County Office of Education (MCOE), Blue Zones of Monterey County and Ecology Action are hosting kick-off walking school buses in the cities of Marina, Seaside and Monterey, this week through April 12, 2022.
A walking school bus is an adult supervised walking group which provides a safe and healthy way for children to get to school. The walking school bus provides students and adult participants to walk, bike or roll their way to and from school.