TAMC Board Highlights February 24, 2021
TAMC Hosts Unmet Transit Needs Public Hearing
The Transportation Agency Board of Directors held a public hearing to receive comments to identify unmet transit needs in Monterey County.
In its role as the Transportation Development Act fund administrator, the Agency holds this hearing annually to seek public input to identify unmet transit needs in Monterey County. This unmet needs process is associated with the Local Transportation Fund, which is one of two designated funding sources for public transit created by the California Transportation Development Act.
The Agency solicits public input on unmet transit needs and places comments into the following categories:
- Transit service improvement requests that would improve an existing service.
- Transit service expansion requests that extend a transit route beyond its current limits and fill a gap in service.
- Capital improvement projects that would enhance existing public transit facilities.
The Transportation Agency will continue to accept public comments submitted by mail, phone, or email through April 30, 2021. Comments can be sent to Madilyn Jacobson at TAMC,55-B Plaza Circle, Salinas, CA. 93901, 831.775.4402 or madilyn@tamcmonterey.org. Comments can also be submitted on the TAMC website at https://www.tamcmonterey.org/unmet-transit-needs. Staff will present the final list of comments to the TAMC Board, prior to allocating Local Transportation Funds in June.
” Play To Learn Kits” for Families Unveiled During TAMC Board Meeting
Much to the delight of Board members, the Transportation Agency unveiled their “Play To Learn Kits” for families this morning. Funded primarily by the Measure X Safe Routes to School program, the kits were developed in partnership with MY Museum, Cal State Monterey Bay, and Blue Zones Project Monterey County as a way to continue providing traffic safety education to Monterey County youth who are remote learning due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The bilingual English & Spanish language kits are designed to be portable, educational, and engaging to children grades 0-5, but can be enjoyed by the entire family.
Included in the “Play To Learn Kit” are:
- Activity Book:Top Street Safety RulesNative Species coloring pagesNeighborhood Scavenger HuntBuild your city - road signs and roundaboutCreative ideas to decorate your bicycleFinish the safety comicChalk your Walk
- Child-size adjustable face mask
- Wooden car craft kit
- Make your own road tape
- Sidewalk Chalk
- Native Species Playing Cards
The “Play To Learn Kits” will be distributed across Monterey County to 2,900 families through local school districts, Monterey County Office of Education, a local non-profit organization, and the Monterey County Health Department in the coming weeks. Students who don't get a kit will be able to download and print the free Activity Book from the brand-new Safe Routes To School Website: saferoutesmonterey.org .

Caltrans Provides “Uplifting” News During the TAMC Board Meeting
While providing an update on the condition of Highway 1 at Rats Creek, Caltrans announced that they expect to make an announcement on Friday about their proposed construction plan to restore the highway. It’s anticipation that the Highway 1 could be fully operational by early summer, dependent upon weather conditions. In the meantime, Caltrans reminds the public that most businesses and campgrounds north and south of the closure remain open for business. Upon hearing the announcement, District 5 Supervisor Mary Adam, whose district includes Big Sur, said the news was uplifting to hear.
TAMC Board Approves Funds for the North Fremont Gap Closure Project
The TAMC Board of Directors approved allocating $35,000 in Surface Regional Transportation Program reserve funds for the North Fremont Gap Closure Project in the City of Monterey. The money will used to fund design work to incorporate additional pedestrian and bicycle safety features.
The North Fremont Gap Closure project in Monterey modifies the block of North Fremont St between Casanova Avenue and Canyon Del Rey Blvd (State Route 218) with curb, gutter, sidewalk, and a pedestrian/bicycle bridge intended to improve safety for people crossing the busy business corridor and protecting an environmentally sensitive area. The project's location is significant for regional active transportation access with the Laguna Grande Regional Park segment of the planned 28-mile Fort Ord Regional Trail and Greenway (FORTAG) immediately adjacent to the project.